


As a member of UNC Sports Clubs, we consistently rely on independently raised funds to pay for our varying expenses. With more funding, the team is able to develop efficiently into a championship crew by allowing more racing opportunities, better equipment, and the ability to repair equipment we already have.  All donations will go straight to the team.

If you would like to give to the TEAM, please follow the directions below

Men’s Crew General -

Men’s Crew Endowment -

Thank you again for your generosity in contributing to the UNC Men's Crew team. To make a gift via check, please note “UNC Men’s Crew” on the memo line and mail to:

Zack Hawkins
Director of Development, Student Affairs
230 East Cameron Avenue
Chapel Hill, NC 27514

For questions about supporting the UNC Men’s Rowing, please contact:

Karen Jordan
UNC Men’s Crew Treasurer